L’former mayor of Arcahaie, Marie Rosemila Sainvil Petit-Frère, was absent during her convocation au Cabinet d’instruction, scheduled for Wednesday June 28. According to her law firm, Madame Petit-Frère was unable to go there due to serious health problems which require absolute rest.
This summons was linked to a corruption case involving several employees of the Social Assistance Fund (CAS) : Pierre Richard Vales, Hector Dominique Bernadin, Edwin Tonton and Yvrose Alcide. These people are accused of misappropriation of public property, of illegal taking of interests, of complicity in forgery and use of forgery, of Bribery andconspiracy. Marie Rosemila Sainvil Petit-Frère was invited to testify in this case.
In correspondence addressed to judge Jean Wilner Morin, dated June 28, 2023, Madame Petit-Frère's lawyers explained that their client is suffering aftereffects of four interventions neurochirurgicales that she suffered during the year, both in Haiti and in the United States.
His doctor recently noted that the after-effects of these operations have long-term consequences on his health. He recommended a anticonvulsant treatment and regular medical monitoring. Consequently, the doctor prescribed a rest of six weeks, from the date of Madame Petit-Frère's consultation, i.e. until July 30.
The absence of Marie Rosemila Sainvil Petit-Frère has raised questions about her potential role in this corruption affair. The defense lawyers stressed that their client was willing to fully cooperate with the justice system, but that her fragile health prevented her from appearing at the moment.
The investigating judge will therefore have to take into consideration the medical reasons for the absence of Madame Petit-Frère and decide on the follow-up to be given to this case. It is important to note that all suspects, including the ex-mayor, are presumed innocent until proven guilty.
The corruption trial continues, and authorities continue to investigate accusations against employees of the Social Assistance Fund. The results of this investigation will be essential to establishing the truth and ensuring justice in this case.
It remains to be seen whether Marie Rosemila Sainvil Petit-Frère will later be able to testify before the investigating judge once her health is restored. In the meantime, the corruption affair remains a crucial issue in the fight against embezzlement and the preservation of the integrity of public institutions in Haiti.
Source: Tripfoumi Enfo