Make money on Youtube in 2023 – Google Adsense

Here’s how to make money on Youtube – Google Adsense

You've probably heard about people who make money, a lot of money, on YouTube... And you too would like to make money. This article will show you how to make money on Youtube with certainty.


Monetizing your Youtube videos is part of Google LLC's content monetization program known as “Google Adsense”. Also simply called ADSENSE, this program allows you to earn money by broadcasting content in your Youtube video.

Which means: Google will pay you for the advertisements that it broadcasts on your YouTube channel.

Adsense is not only used for monetizing Youtube channels. It also supports the monetization of applications and websites, among others.

let's come back to our subject, how to monetize your channel?
For your YouTube channel to be part of this program, it must meet certain criteria:

Your channel must:

  • have at least 1000 subscribers
  • accumulate 4000 hours of viewing
  • Respect the rules of the Youtube community
  • Comply with the rules of the Adsense community

1000 Subscribers and 4000 Viewing Hours?
Of course Google wants to make sure that you really deserve the amount they will pay you. they make sure there is an audience that is truly interested in your content.

Please note that viewing hours and the number of Followers are not enough. Google reserves the right to refuse the monetization of channels that it considers not to respect certain values ​​of its community. Google Adsense wants to ensure that your content is original... if you obtained viewing hours just by plagiarizing the content of other Youtubers, you risk having your channel monetized. Also if your content violates decency (nudity, pornography, violence, etc.), the monetization of your videos will be refused.

How does Google analyze your content, to allow or deny monetization?

they will carefully analyze these things:

  • The main theme of your channel
  • Most viewed videos.
  • Videos recently published on your channel.
  • the most watched parts of videos.
  • the metadata of your videos (titles, thumbnails, descriptions, tags, #hashtags, etc.).

If any of this data violates the principles of the Adsense program, you may be refused the monetization program.

3 tips to quickly monetize your Channel.


1- Choose a theme for your channel.

Define the area of ​​intervention of your channel. Know exactly what your videos will be about. this will allow you to have a stable and growing audience.

2- Post useful content.

Your channel will only be successful if Youtube users are interested in your videos. the longer people stay on your videos, the more Youtube will offer your videos to other users; So, make sure you publish content that people actually need…

3- The language of your content

The language of your videos is very important... It defines the audience that you can reach... let's take the case that your content is in German, it will mainly reach people who speak German... a person whose device is configured in French will not see almost never this video in German... So, be careful about the language you choose.

It is not because one language is superior to another, but rather the audience that you will be able to reach. The more people who speak the chosen language, the more people will be able to see your videos.
We recommend the following languages: English, Spanish, French.

To learn more about the Adsense program, visit support google
