The Intimate Notebook of a Perverted Madman by Lovenick Pierre-Louis, a tantalizing text that deserves to be praised!
December 12 is the date chosen for the signing session of the new text by Lovenick Pierre Louis at the modern college of Santo, between 10 a.m. and 4 a.m., at Santo 23.
Always with the idea of fully grasping the scope of his madness, Lovenick Pierre-Louis reiterates its commitment. This time, he offers us
a masterful and captivating story, This way of doing things, unleashed the enthusiasm of a young writer, lawyer and diplomat, who, after having published many works with absolute propriety, while considering literature as the only true spokesperson for the voiceless, launches again, while taking his models from the street and raises the lights to all the best .
The intimate notebook of a perverted madman is the mediation on the madman and his level of perversion!
Around the Slammer Come the Thinker and the writer Samuel Orpheus as speaker of the day, the author will put his signature on his new baby.
The invitation is extended especially to literature buffs this Sunday, December 12 at Santo 23, between 10 a.m. and 4 a.m. at the Santo Modern College.
William SM Saint-Cyr